TechGuard Blog

Remote Work Security Checklist

Whether you've been working remotely for a while or just recently began navigating the tricky waters of Zoom meetings and home-office setups, it's always a good time to check and double-check that you're being as secure as possible. Remote workers create a broader threat landscape for companies, so it's important that they understand the risks involved. You can download the checklist below.


Remote work security checklist overview 2


Written by Elizabeth Dasenbrock

Elizabeth Dasenbrock is a marketer/graphic designer whose mission has always been to creatively express stories and ideas. Her skill set allows her to convey concepts to particular audiences in a visually appealing way. At TechGuard, she works on the marketing team with a focus on graphic design. In her free time, she can usually be found working on personal creative projects, tending to her houseplants, or spending time with friends and family.